2022 09 07
If you need to debug some kind of monitoring system (or just have some fun), you might want to pause all userspace processes for a certain number of seconds (to measure delays, etc.).
You can easily do this using GDB like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
# Select all process IDs that are _not_ children of PID 2, [kthreadd].
pids="$( ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect )"
for pid in $pids; do
cmdline="$( cat "/proc/$pid/cmdline" | tr '\0' ' ' )" || continue
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "PID: $pid"
echo "Command line: $cmdline"
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------
gdb -p "$pid" -x sleep.gdb -batch &
sleep.gdb is a very simple GDB script; it basically sleeps for a determined amount of seconds:
shell sleep 10
You can simply run
sudo ./gdb_sleep_all.sh
and all of your userspace processes should be frozen for 30 seconds.
On a couple of servers, this worked quite well; not so well on my laptop with Xfce installed. Obviously, this would require a bit of work to adapt for containers as well. Otherwise, pretty neat, huh?
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